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Business Meeting


Deeper Connections

The community of SEVEN helps organizations train their team at scale. We help your team realize its hidden potential through custom, onsite, in-person, and online training. The community of SEVEN taps into the power of community to elevate leaders of tomorrow. We bring visibility to the invisible through our proprietary training development: microlearning, programming, and coaching circles by training at scale, creating the next generation of leaders, and helping companies close the equality gap. 


Our micro-learning opportunities include training and development focused to train leaders for the 21st Century, topics include purpose-driven leadership, how to build self-awareness, motivating teams, leading with emotional intelligence, leading during change and crisis, communication skills, motivation & engagement, leading with vision, building effective teams, strategy & strategic thinking, working with uncertainty and ambiguity, mentoring, developing internal talent, and expanding your influence to name a few. 


Through our work, we tackle three fundamental, persistent challenges to parity: 

  • Organizations lack effective ways to close their equality gaps and engage the best talent

  • The playing field is not level: systemic inequities exist, especially regarding learning & development and sponsorship

  • Creating a community of belongingness is crucial to change



  • Great leadership can be taught; we carry out this mission and see it affects every day.

  • Scalable training is possible through our proprietary programming - train and coach hundreds of global employees in one-hour virtual sessions.

  • At community of SEVEN, we measure success by lives touched. 


All inclusive training and development program designed for high potential leaders of all genders, races, sexual orientation, abilities, and neurodiversity. 


We can help transform our organization and your people:

  • Engage Virtually

  • Create Communities of Belongingness

  • Train Dispersed and Diverse Teams

  • Retain Talent

  • Stregthen Culture


At the community of SEVEN, we equip thousands of leaders each year with the skills they need to advance their careers, increase the capabilities o their teams, and enhance their brands. Each instructor-led workshop delivers insights that address your business challenges and build your competitive advantage. 






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